Black man on top of white woman

The Intriguing Darkness Within: Understanding Our Shared Psyche (The rape gene)

Discover the things that really go through a mans mind, investigating the truth about the darkness within. Exploring kink, fetish, and the true perversions of a man that cause him to want to rape, assault, or act on the aggression within....


As a species, we are a complex puzzle of thoughts, desires, and moral compasses that guide our behavior. However, buried within the folds of our psyche lies a deep and darker potential that can surface under certain circumstances. Meaning sexual violence! I truly believe that sex offending is a genetic handed down to us men. It is a troubling yet fascinating truth that we all harbor what could be called a "rape gene," a mindset that reflects a capacity for violent desire, which usually can be kept at bay by our upbringing, culture, morals, and beliefs. In this article, we will delve into the psychology behind this dark side of human nature, examining the fine line between fantasy and reality, and exploring how strong willed individuals can maintain control over their deeper more sinister desires.

Fantasy vs. Reality Can Be Dangerous

Fantasy is a realm where the mind can roam freely, unencumbered by the strictures of morality. It allows us to explore desires that, in reality, we would never act upon as least those of us who are governed by a moral belief system. Movies and literature often provide a safe space for such explorations, yet they can also serve as catalysts that blur the lines between what is acceptable and what is not.

The question we pose is stark: Have you ever felt a flicker of arousal while watching a rape scene in a movie? This question is not meant to evoke shame but to spark introspection. If the answer is yes, it signifies a moment when the mind has ventured into dangerous territory. Which to me shows proof of this rape gene. To become aroused at watching sexual violence or non- consensual sex truly show the potential a man posses. This does not mean that you condone such acts in real life; rather, it suggests a curiosity or a dark fascination that lies in the shadows of our psyche.

The Duality of the Human Mind

We often think of ourselves as benevolent beings, capable of love and compassion. Yet, within the depths of our mentality, there exists the potential for evil. This duality can be traced back to our evolutionary past, where survival instincts and primal desires could lead to violent outcomes. Being a sex offender is right there learking. Criminal minds often demonstrate a complete submission to their darker urges, succumbing to lust and desire without restraint. You also see the same thing but worse when watching law & order SVU.


The Complexity of Desires: We must recognize that desire, whether for power, control, or even sexual gratification, is a part of being human. However, it is the balance of these desires with our moral beliefs that defines us. Do you agree or disagree with this?


Understanding Our Limits: Strong willed individuals possess the ability to reign in these primal instincts, allowing them to exist in the realm of fantasy without succumbing to reality. This is where discipline, upbringing, and personal beliefs come into play. It's harmless to live in any type of fantasy—its a problem when you want that fantasy to become real!


The Monster in Us

To label someone as a "rapist" is to point to an individual who has crossed a line that most of us refuse to approach. Yet, we must ask ourselves—what separates us from them? It is not merely a lack of control; it is the culmination of choices, influences, and experiences that shape our mindset. Over at news week Sharon Begley wrote an essay that looked into whether or not we have a rape gene. In which the argument by psychologist is that rape is an evolutionary adaption. This ideal is the rape-gene is genetically transmitted by their father—because someone who rapes, would more then likely pass on his DNA than a regular ol nice guy.


I would personally have to disagree with this notion that it's passed by good or bad boy genetic trait. I honestly believe that this art of human destruction lies within all men—as the animal inside. I believe that some of us subcumb to these sexual crimes and others won't! Those factors depend on how bad a man wants to live out his deviant non-consentual fantasy and the up-bringing factors such as was there incest in his family, or sexual abuse and even more important—was he raised with the belief that sexual battery, harassment, and other types of sexual crimes are wrong? Was he instilled with good positive morals and beliefs that will later keep him a good "guy" rather then morphing into the animal that lies underneath every man?


Have you ever wondered about the deeper questions surrounding human behavior and genetics? This article from The New York Times archive dives into a complex and controversial topic that examines the possibility of a genetic component influencing certain behaviors. It was Written by Nicholas Kristof, the piece highlights scientific perspectives and ethical debates on the matter. It's a weird thought-provoking read for anyone who's interested in checking out the  intersection of biology, environment, and morality. Click that nice little blue link to explore the discussion further—or stay here and finish reading then head over.


The Psychological Underpinnings of Criminal Minds

Understanding the mindset of a rapist involves delving into the psychology behind their actions. According to research in psychology, several factors contribute to the development of such criminal minds:


Environmental Influences: Upbringing in abusive or neglectful households can lead to the normalization of violence.

Cultural Context: Societal attitudes toward gender roles and power dynamics can embolden individuals to act on violent desires.

Mental Health Issues: Disorders such as antisocial personality disorder can impair empathy, making it easier to justify harmful actions.

Fantasy vs. Reality: Some individuals may find their fantasies overpowering, leading them to blur the lines between acceptable behavior and predatory instincts.


These factors reveal the precarious balance that exists within our psyche—a struggle between benevolence and the darker aspects of our nature.


Maintaining Control: The Power of Belief

So, how do we, as a collective society, prevent the monster within from taking control? The answer lies in the strength of our beliefs, values, and moral frameworks. We must nurture a mindset that not only recognizes our darker inclinations but actively works to suppress them.


Develop Strong Morals: Instilling a robust moral compass from a young age can significantly reduce the risk of succumbing to violent thoughts and actions.


Cultivate Empathy: Empathy is a powerful tool that can bridge the gap between desire and action. By fostering an understanding of others’ feelings, we strengthen our commitment to benevolence.


Seek Help When Needed: For those struggling with dark thoughts, professional help can provide coping mechanisms and strategies to manage desires without acting upon them.




Q: Does having dark thoughts make someone a bad person?

A: Not necessarily. Having thoughts is a natural part of the human experience. It is our actions that define us.

Q: How can I tell if I am in control of my thoughts?

A: Self reflection and awareness of your values can help you gauge whether your thoughts align with your moral compass.

**Q: Is it normal to have fantasies that involve rape?? This is a question I want you to answer within the comment section below. Share your thoughts, opinions, and feedback.

(by clicking the image below you will see what psychology say on a study of when men attack) ⬇️

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