Getting rid of those damn hair bumps! The guide step-by-step for black men

Published on 4 February 2025 at 19:59
Black guy with beard shaving his face

Let's Get rid of those damn razor bumps!

A.k.A shaving bumps or barber’s bumps. Razor bumps are common in people who shave-These bumps are especially common in men who have a darker melinated skin. Some men live with constant discomfort and countless bumps in their beard area. Let me show you some easy to do remedies to change the texture of your face and get rid of those razor bumps.


How to at home remedies: Here’s what you can do at home, to change the existence of razor bumps on your face- (medically known as pseudofolliculitis barbae) or at least have less of them on your face, and fewer painful situations.

Tip #1: Grow your beard out!

If growing your beard is an option, you can get rid of razor bumps for good. Beards are in and trending hard, and honestly look great on most men.


This is why growing your beard works... Razor bumps develop when you use a razor to cut your facial hair short. If you have coarse, and or curly hairs, these shortened hairs can curve into your skin. Your skin gets irritated by these curved hairs- and Booomm!  you see razor bumps.


When you stop shaving, the short hairs grow and spring out of your skin. Once the trapped hairs grow out, your skin will heal. Am I making sense? Are you keeping up? Well, let's keep going...


Before the bumps clear,  there's a big chance you'll  get new ones — because even after you stop shaving, the hair you cut during your last shave still has to grow out. During that period the short ones will curve in, but eventually spring out like a pretty little flower. (LoL) The old saying is things must get worse, before they get better.


You should see fewer razor bumps on your face within your first month of growing your beard. The bumps should be completely gone after three months.(disclaimer: This works for 90% of men.)


Tip #2: You have to Change how you shave your face!

If you need or simply want that damn clean-shaven look, you can reduce the number of bumps you get by following my next steps below.




Never pull or stretch your skin while shaving and never pluck a hair inside a razor bump. These are big ❌

Doing either can cause new razor bumps and worsen existing bumps. That defeats the purpose of trying to rid them from your face and getting on your nerves. 🙄


For you to see fewer and less hair bumps, dermatologist say the first step is to figure out which direction your hair in your beard area grow. This knowledge is key to preventing new razor bumps and getting your skin where you would like it to be. Are you still keeping up with me? Ok, ok, I know you are... So this is 


How you figure out which direction your beard hairs grow: If your tempted to skip over this step don't do it! You only need to do this once, and it’s easy to do. It will only help you, not hurt you.


Here’s how you figure it out:


  • Grab you a mirror and look into it.


  • Pull tightly on the skin in your beard area and look closely... Press the zoom button on those damn eyes of yours.. 😂


  • Then Lift your head so that your chin is exposed, and you can see how the hair grows under your chin.

Do you see one direction? or different types of directions? Men who have coarse, or curly hair usually can see their hairs growing in all kinds of odd or various directions.


If your facial hair grows in in unruly directions, dermatologists recommend training your facial hair to grow in one direction. The best way To do this, is by buying a soft-bristle toothbrush.(keyword: soft bristle)


Use the toothbrush to gently brush your hairs in one direction. Doing this daily for 1-3 months will train your beard hair to grow in one direction, which can reduce new razor bumps significantly. The Partial reason for these bumps are because your hair grows in too many directions.

For you To see fewer to no razor bumps, shave daily — or at least every 2 to 3 days when you shave less often, you give hairs time to grow long enough to curve into your skin. This is what you don't want!

Once you you've learned how your hair grows, you’re ready to shave. This is what dermatologists recommend and what has worked for me personally. for us men with melinated darker skin tones, and get those ugly ass razor bumps:


  • Wash your face with a gentle, non-comedogenic facial cleanser. Use a washcloth or soft-bristle face brush, applying the cleanser in a circular motion. This gentle massage-like motion helps to remove dead skin cells, which can reduce the number of hairs that curve back into your skin. (big tip that works for most)


  • Rinse your face thoroughly with warm water to remove all cleanser. Rinsing properly is a must. You don't want any residue left on your face.


  • Hold a warm compress rather towel or whatever you decide is best- on your beard area for up to 5 -10 minutes, or shave at the end of your shower. The warmth and moisture causes the hairs to swell, so they’re less likely to curve into your skin after shaving.


A warm compress also helps loosen the hairs that have curved into your skin and caused razor bumps. To make a warm compress, place a clean washcloth under warm water. Wring out the excess water. Then apply the washcloth to your beard area for five to 10 minutes. It would be much easier to heat up a bowl of water in the microwave- so you can keep your towel warm as it cools.


If you prefer to shave at the end of your shower, dermatologists recommend using an anti-fog mirror. You can attach this mirror to the shower wall.


Apply a good moisturizing shaving cream, even when using an electric razor. (I reccomend Bevel or Art of shaving cream for men. You can find them both at amazon. Which I'll leave you a quick entry to that area by hitting the button below.) Let the shaving cream sit on your skin for one or two minutes. Before you pick up your razor, make sure the shaving cream is wet. If it dries out before you shave, rinse your face. Then reapply, using more cream this time to prevent the cream from drying.. Do not let it dry, because it has to be moist to make things easier. If you normally dry shave your face do not do that! Stop immediately! Dry shaving breaks and cuts your skin, and can cause infections and more hair bumps, and damage to your face.

Buy new sharp razors!



Use a sharp razor. A single-blade razor or an electric razor is often recommended. Regardless of the razor you use, it must be sharp! PERIOD!!


A single-blade razor will usually stay sharp for up to 5 to 7 shaves. After that number of shaves, it's time to replace the blade. Don't play with your skin by playing a game with a full ass razor! You might as well not shave at all, rather then put your face through that torture.


If you use an electric razor, replace the foils and blades as often as recommended in the instructions that came with the razor. That's what's wrong with people- they don't follow instructions..🙄 IF your not going to follow my instructions why read this for nothing. The only way to test things out is to follow proper instructions.


Follow these dermatologist-recommended techniques as you shave:


  • Shave your face hair slowly in the direction in which it grow. If your hairs grow in different directions all over the place, shave in the direction that you’re training the hairs to grow.
  • Use short strokes, and never go over an area more than twice. ( this is a terrible idea! So don't go over anything twice- meaning get it right the first time.)
  • When using a single-blade razor, rinse the blade after each swipe. Avoid shaving closely or putting too much pressure on your skin. Be easy. Too much pressure can cause more irritation.

To reduce the risk of razor bumps, change the blade on a single-blade razor after 5 to 7 shaves (or throw away a disposable razor)

A dull blade only increases the risk of razor bumps, and is another percentage of the cause of razor bumps.

  • Rinse off the shaving cream with warm water. You want to rinse gently but thoroughly. You don't want to Leave any shaving cream on your skin because it will cause irritation. Avoiding all extra skin irritations or that defeats the purpose and the goal.


  • Place a cool compress on your skin. To make a cool compress, hold a clean washcloth underneath cool water. Once the washcloth is wet, place it on your just-shaved skin and leave it in place for five minutes. I recommend making a sink or bowl full of cold water with ice in it, and dipping your face in it afterwards.( I'll tell you more about this ice in a bowl trick in another post.)


  • Apply a soothing aftershave. using an aftershave that’s specially formulated to reduce the risk of razor bumps and irritated skin. If an aftershave burns or stings, stop using it and try another one. Never use something that burns. That's a big sign of irritation to your skin. I recommended some for you to choose from at Amazon but you can also try they offer awesome skincare for black men with sensitive skin.


  • Dry your razor and store it in a dry place. This prevents bacteria from growing on your razor. Never leave your razor in the shower or on a wet sink. I'm guilty of this and so are you. But we can't do this anymore.. it's a bad habit you must break if you want your skin to look healthy and glowy rather then bumpy and irritating. Nothing about that is player.


This process was created by black dermatologist and some extra ummmph from me- due to my own experiences. this step-by-step process for men who have a darker skin tone, who get razor bumps when they shave. It has been known to help many men see fewer razor bumps to none. There's  still men who continue to get razor bumps. You will need to try new options- but never give up on your face! Keep going until you find what works for you. Just remember that know matter what- the sexiest thing on any man is his "confidence" so keep that in mind.

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It all began with a simple idea fueled by a deep passion. I know that i have plenty of  information stored within me. I know the best way to use it- is by helping others with solutions they've been looking for the answers to. I pride myself on the personal attention and dedication to every detail. My approach is rooted in quality and integrity. By ensuring that everything I do reflects my commitment to excellence; and helping others. I hope to build a lasting bond with my readers, and you continue to come back to support me; and learn something you didn't know. You can leave comments, emails, and suggestions for topics, and I will answer them for you.This blog was made for you. Welcome to 'Learn some new shit daily.'

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