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Understanding the Complete Breakdown of Sexuality and Its Meaning
Let's talk Sexuality! Meaning mines and yours... don't be scared. Sexuality is on a spectrum, there's no fucking one size fits all. Sexuality is a broad and multifaceted concept that includes how individuals experience and express themselves romantically, emotionally, and sexually. It is a deeply personal aspect of human identity that includes various components, such as sexual orientation, attraction, and behavior.
Sexual orientation refers to who someone is romantically or sexually attracted to, such as heterosexuality (attraction to the opposite gender), homosexuality (attraction to the same gender), bisexuality (attraction to more than one gender), or asexuality (lack of sexual attraction). Beyond orientation, sexuality can also reflect one's preferences, fantasies, and emotional connections.
It is important to realize that sexuality exists on a spectrum, meaning it is fluid and can vary greatly from person to person. Sexuality is fun and meant to be explored. They say that Society, culture, upbringing, and personal experiences all influence how we understand and express our sexuality. But Ultimately, sexuality is a natural and special part of human diversity, deserving respect and acceptance in all its forms... Which some people lack to respect others and their sexuality, but that's another topic for another time.

Different types of sexuality
Sometimes, it can take time to figure out the sexuality that fits you best. And your sexuality can change over time. It can be confusing; so don’t worry if you are unsure. They have so many different terms and definitions for people, that these labels get ridiculous sometimes- but here are the basics:
You might be drawn to men or to women, to both or to neither. There is no right or wrong – it’s about what’s right for you. And while there are common terms to describe different types of sexuality, you don’t have to adopt a label to describe yourself. I personally hate labels! I don't accept any of them- but the ones I give myself. I don't define my personality or sexuality through other people's labels.
Heterosexual and homosexual
Most people are attracted to the opposite sex – boys who like girls, and women who like men, for example. These people are heterosexual, or ‘straight’. (Wink-wink!😂)
Some people are attracted to the same sex. These people are homosexual. Around 10 per cent of Australians experience same-sex attraction, most during puberty. Interesting fact? Or no?
‘Lesbian’ is the common term for people who identify as women and are same-sex attracted. ‘Gay’ is the most common term for people who identify as men and are same-sex attracted, although women identifying as lesbian also sometimes use this word.
Sexuality can be more complicated than being straight or gay.
Some people are attracted to both men and women, and are known as bisexual.
Bisexual does not mean the attraction is evenly weighted
– a person may have stronger feelings for one gender than another. And this can vary depending on who they meet.
There are different kinds of bisexuality.
Some people who are attracted to men and women still consider themselves to be mainly straight or gay. Or they might have sexual feelings towards both genders but only have intercourse with one. This is me! I've only had sex with women but I'm most definitely attracted to men.... But I'll get into that in a little while.
Other people see sexual attraction as more grey than black and white. These people find everyday labels too rigid. Some prefer to identify as ‘queer’. And others use the term ‘pan’, or ‘pansexual’, to show they are attracted to different kinds of people no matter what their gender, identity or expression. I love this term the most because it allows diversity and fluity! There are many differences between individuals, so bisexuality is a general term only.
A person who identifies as asexual (‘ace’ for short) is someone who does not experience, or experiences very little, sexual attraction. Asexuality is not a choice, like abstinence (where someone chooses not to have sex with anyone, whether they are attracted to them or not). Asexuality is a sexual orientation, like homosexuality or heterosexuality.
Some people may strongly identify with being asexual, except for a few infrequent experiences of sexual attraction (grey-asexuality). Some people feel sexual attraction only after they develop a strong emotional bond with someone (this is known as demisexuality). Other people experience asexuality in a range of other ways. Sexuality is complex but not really complex... It's just open to be adjusted on a person by person basis. So let's get into my sexuality and how I describe it.
if you want to know more about me click the picture of me below⬇️
Understanding My Sexuality
Sexuality is a deeply personal and ever-evolving experience. For me, it is both lustful and erotic, yet fluid and adaptable, while also maintaining a core sense of self. Over time, I’ve come to embrace my individuality by creating my own label—trisexual. To me, being trisexual means being open to trying different experiences to better understand what truly resonates with who I am, and to explore what I am genuinely attracted to.
It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and acceptance, allowing me to honor the dynamic nature of my sexuality while staying true to myself. No other label can appreciate how this defines me. As a heterosexual man, I never found attraction to another man until less then a year ago. I'll tell you how that started...
I was watching pornography of Robby Dash & Levy which if you click the image below you will be transported to see the video ⬇️ BTW it has 35 million views.
I kid you not- I don't know how I ended up watching this when I was originally watching straight porn. So as I was watching this 7 minute video, I went through an array of feeling and emotions that I never experienced. It wasn't that I thought he was "fine" it was the body and the movement of Robby dash. This man had me switching from wanting to be his bitch for a minute to me wanting to dominate him.
It was so crazy! The angles where perfect! So many fantasies covered my mind. The angles made you believe that Robbie got some good ass booty but then angles had me thinking damn this dude look like he got some good ass dick. So there's no doubt about it- if I could had been with Robby that night... I would've been flip flopping for sure! So y'all check this video out and tell me if you can understand my mindset at the time.
So anyway, as of today I still have not slept with a guy and I'm still into women. But... I'm 100% attracted to men now just as much as women. I do find myself attracted to only these types of men the most.. ⬇️
So, what does my taste in men say about me or my sexuality?
I'm going to psychoanalysis myself and say I like masculine pretty boys, I'm an alpha male, and in the bedroom I dominate...Ive always been super masculine but in touch with my feminine side at the same time. I'm a little into BDSM and S&M. I'm kinky as fuck! But I also believe my taste tells me I want to be fucked too...
It's a hard realization but there's got to be some truth to it. I'm in no rush to experience some dude thrusting in and out of me though. He's going to have to P-diddy me. 😭🤫😳
I'm going to always be real about the man I am, because I love me some me, and I don't have shit to prove to anyone else. I'm sticking to my own label and I'm rocking with it. So, if you ask me what I am-- "TRISEXUAL" and I define it as: I'm willing to try any new experience once, if the time is right and it feels right- so I can determine if I'm into on a deeper level or simply a surface level.
I'm think we have to become more self aware of who we are, what we are, and what we enjoy without caring about what others think! Other people are not living our lives for us, so enjoy being you and enjoy your sexuality to the fullest. Again I must say- "sexuality is on a spectrum, there is no right or wrong way- it's simply your way!"

Let's Talk About your Sexuality, we've already talked about mines!
We've had meaningful discussions about sexuality and its significance, and I felt bold enough to share my own experiences and what my sexuality means to me. If we are truly a family, let's take this opportunity to better understand one another. I encourage you to use the comment box below to share your thoughts and explain your own sexuality. This is a safe space for open dialogue, mutual respect, and personal growth. I genuinely value your perspective and would love to invest in learning more about you.
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I'm Openly Gay And The Topic Is Very, Stunningly Good And Interesting!! So Keep Up The Good Work And Incoming Hot Topics👌🏽!!
My sexuality has been a journey. I did experiment when I was younger, 13, with a male classmate. I have had sex with women in my late teens and very early 20’s. Then I went to my first gay club where I met a man that really turned me on. I have only been with men since. When I was younger I always took a dominant role. But a few relationships ago I was with an alpha male and I found I enjoyed being submissive to him. I chased that idea for sometime but then found myself going back and forth with my dominant and submissive role. That was confusing at first but then realized that role truly depended on my partner. I am now happily married to my partner and I am predominantly dominant. Now I only explore my submissive side when I’m watching porn and I am ok with that.